Small Group discussion questions
Building trust and opening up the conversation.
Below are some supplemental discussion questions. These can be useful is a variety of different settings.
What questions do you have about God, faith, or Christianity?
How do you feel about your relationship with God?
Are you being consistent in your daily time with God?
Has God answered any specific prayers for you lately?
What are you learning about God? And yourself?
Are you harboring unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness, or offense towards someone?
How are you showing love and care for your family?
Do you notice a feeling of wanting to seek revenge or wound a person who has wounded you? How do you think that will resolve the problem? Would it bring lasting peace or add to your pain?
How does your unwillingness to forgive reflect God’s love for you?
How should a Christian deal with recurring offenses, especially those that open up old wounds?
What sins are you struggling with, and where do you feel stuck?
What temptations are you facing?
Is there an area of your life in which you are fighting discouragement?
Have you given in to an addictive behavior this past week?
In what areas are you suffering right now?
Have your words and attitude reflected Christ this week?
What steps of faith are you taking in obedience to Christ?
Are you honoring God with your choices of friends?
What or who is taking priority in your life right now?
Have you been faithful in your church attendance and participation?
Where are you giving your time, talents, and treasure to serve the Lord?
Who is closer to God this week because of your impact?
Whose salvation are you praying for? With whom are you sharing your faith?
What talents has God given you that you can use to serve others?
When was the last time you served someone at great cost for yourself and did not keep track of the cost?
Do you serve your parents out of love and respect? What are some things you could do this week to appreciate them?
What are you grateful for this week?
What do you like most about your life right now?
Who has made a positive impact on you lately? Who has sacrificially given to you?
What Is something you can do for others this week to show them that you care?
What is your favorite time of day and why?